What is the SECRET to Social Media Management Mastery?

What is the SECRET to Social Media Management Mastery?

Outsourcing it, that’s the SECRET! Like it or not, social media is a necessary evil and it’s here to stay - well for the time being anyway. If you don’t have an online presence on any of the platforms, you are missing out and putting your business at a massive...

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5 Ways to De-Stress Your Christmas …

5 Ways to De-Stress Your Christmas …

Christmas can be a very festive and fun time of the year but it can also be quite stressful to its lead up, especially if you are running a business. [bctt tweet="Here are 5 ways you can de-stress and make this festive season a more organised, chilled and fun time."...

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6 Tips for Working WITH Your Virtual Assistant

6 Tips for Working WITH Your Virtual Assistant

So, you’re running an awesome business and it’s ticking along nicely, – you’re taking on clients and taking care of the day-to-day running but your business isn’t quite getting to that next level. Maybe you’re feeling a little overwhelmed and your admin is starting to...

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Top 3 Things to Consider BEFORE Engaging a Virtual Assistant

Top 3 Things to Consider BEFORE Engaging a Virtual Assistant

Does delegating make you freak out and feel cold with fear? Engaging a Virtual Assistant for the first time can be quite a daunting experience and very nerve racking … What if you can’t find the right one? What if they do it wrong? What if they rip me off? How can I...

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3 Ways a Virtual Assistant Can Increase Your Efficiency

3 Ways a Virtual Assistant Can Increase Your Efficiency

Would you like to get 5 hours or more, back a week? Research shows that on average businesses spend at least 10 to 15 hours a week on non-core, unbillable tasks. How amazing is that? So, if you're earning say, $150 an hour, taking all day to do a particular task (and...

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Welcome to The Holistic Virtual Assistant

Welcome to The Holistic Virtual Assistant

Hola Goddess! Welcome to my brand spanking new website and blog page, Holistic Musings. In this blog I hope to enlighten, inspire, educate and muse about the things that I have learned over the past 16+ years running a business. I hope you'll enjoy what I have to...

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